How to write a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A summary for one’s education, professional history and job qualification for a prospective employer must follow different format and content rules. Here there is a short overview of what we think is necessary.

What is a CV?

A Curriculum Vitae is a document where you write the summary of all your educational, professional skills and job qualifications, also you can write about you, who you are?…What are your hobbies?…Where are you from?…. How many languages do you speak?… everything that will make you to be on the top of the list for the job you’re apply for.

Why do I need one?

In the whole world, for any kind of job you’re looking for, you will need a CV because it’s the fastest way for a prospective employer to find the right person for a vacant post. Once created, you can send the CV to different enterprises to maximize your success and find the perfect job corresponding to your qualifications.   

How to prepare a CV?

There are different ways to prepare a CV, but the beginning is always the same. You must provide:

  1. Complete Name
  2. Address & Phone numbers
  3. Age &Marital status (if the work takes place abroad, etc…)
  4. Overview about your educational experience
  5. Overview about your work experience
  6. Proof and testimonies
  7. References

When those information is done, you can choose what type of CV you would like to use. There are many templates existing, so you don’t have to spend your time in editing the text. Just have the content ready.

Here you can find some examples:


With your CV, it’s highly recommended to send a Cover Letter.  In this letter, you will explain, why you want to work for this company and what your motivation is. You have to send the cover letter with CV through email, post office or deliver it yourself to the related office.

You must remember that the CV will be the only document that will allow you, perhaps, to get the job you want. So be aware of giving just the right information in the correct way. Your future employer may control your references.

When you get invited for an interview you must know all the details of your CV by heart. And present yourself proud of what you already experienced in education or labor market.

Don’t forget: After tailoring your CV, you have taken the first step at making a career decision for your career. If you want to be more than just an employee, try to apply for a job where there are higher possibilities to flourish your inbred abilities and that meet your interests. To know scientifically which career fits you best with your personality and interest take our Psychometric Assessment. It has helped 1500 youths in Nepal, it might help you too:

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