Today, Career Disha Nepal’s group watched the almost half hour video related to the Educational System of today.
Today’s education system is about to be centralize in one, homogenous system. System, where testing the ability of a student is through sets of examinations which later is considered their worthiness, their value. In Nepal, more than half the population cannot pass SLC and sadly we have been having the same set of system without any major reform. What has not been considered in the system is the individuality. Every one has inherent different perception, desire and skills from birth. In short, Education today become a FAST FOOD, for instance when children enroll in Kindergarten, teacher teach them already existed lesson. There is gap arising between both teacher and students as the knowledge are imposed rather than fostered. Thus we can generalize that the issue that we are teaching new generation in traditional way and building our children as we are, which is not compatible for the 21st century.
As already mentioned, each individual has different ideology and ability. To develop those inborn qualities, one should recognize it and give it a proper shape. The current education system (around the globe) expects the youth to think differently, out of box while teaching the same old generic concepts and not giving space for growth. So, time has come for revolution where change in deep rooted education system is a must.
The 1st international conference on Social Entrepreneurship was held at Hyatt Regency, Kathmandu on the 30th June- 1st July. The two days' conference was organized by Kings College and partner organizations with the objective of "Rebuilding Nepal through Social Entrepreneurship". There were both national and international participants as well as speakers and research paper presenters.
Career Disha Nepal attended the conference and participated in both presentation and display of services through booth. Approximately, more than two hundred people visited our booth which included experts, CEOs, IT Personnel, educators and students. They mentioned that CDN has a unique product which is required for all youth including students, who stop academia and those who want to change their professional and academic fields. They felt our services ware unique because in Nepal, no one has ever brought this concept into action till now. The expert involved to prepare this psychometric assessment. To know the vastness of job market CDN conducted a long research. Similarly, the results after filled up assessment were scientifically proved and it link education to career path. The online assessment and The Future Pro help to guidance entire youth academic and career path. So it is not only required for those youth who are not holding their interest based career path but to those who are willing to change their occupation and academic path. The visitors were excited and enthusiastic to know more about psychometric assessment and The Future Pro that CDN provided.
One of the most interesting parts of booth was that the visitors shared their own story. They shared how they chose their professional and academic path disregard to their interest. They felt by heart that it was significant for them when they are in search of guideline of academic and career path. According to visitors, they followed their parent’s suggestions, market popularity job as well as enrolled their academic faculty regarding to their marks in SLC. The visitors wanted to recommend this assessment to their juniors’ youngsters in order to make them able to choose their own academics based on interest. All visitors had their own story on how they came up with their career path but some example they shared to CDN are as follows: one example is that one of the teachers who teaches remote village, shared his experience. During his teaching experience, he found out that those students were unfamiliar about the fact that there existed a large range of job market in Nepal. They knew about 4-5 jobs related to labor which was only available. Regarding this, it was clear that the youth living in remote area lacking information about the vastness of locally available job market so students needed workshop about job market. Such as youth problems are not limited to only remote areas but the students studying and living in city areas also have not followed academics based on interest. Another urban settled example is about a working woman named Bambi who is a social worker working at Global Peace Organization. According to her, she was from an engineering background but never really liked it. As she had chosen that field without any concept about academics but later on she realized that it was not her interest field and changed her profession.
These stores illustrate that choosing the career was still unsatisfactory if your profession are not based on your interest,not only outside the valley but within the valley as well. Even today, students are finding difficulty in coming through their academics and professional path based on interest. Hence CDN services should reach to the youth of all 75 districts to help them recognize their own career and academic path based on their interested.