We helped seven youths, age group of 14 -18 years old to
pick the best fitting education for a career by using a series of Basic Career
Counseling Package. The package contained different services such as indecision
scales, Career orientation, My Future Pro, Labor Market Workshop, and
Psychometric Assessment. The youths were in their gap period as they had just
completed their secondary education examination and are waiting for the result.
Indecision scale finds out youth’s first confusion level
regarding career and education. We use this questionnaire frequently in the
workshop before and after we conduct the workshops and assessment to analyze
whether our services became useful to eliminate their confusion regarding their
career or not. After finding out their career confusion by filling a list of
seventeen multiple questions, a career counsellor provides career orientation
to point out if the gap exists to confuse regarding career and education.
Similarly, they did different career activities in ‘My Future
Pro’ session to find out their interest, values, abilities, weakness, and
strength. This workshop is designed to make an individual career plan. After
knowing ‘who am I’ clearly form ‘My Future Pro’, Labor Market Workshop was
conducted to help them to know the number of careers in detail available in the
local market where they can find their inclination towards. This was followed
by Psychometric Assessment to help them to find out the individual personality
profile and jobs according to personal interest.
After all the sessions, youths were able to find out their
best suitable career options. In the reflection and feedback session, they also
shared how the series of holistic career counselling process changed their
perception to think about their career. Moreover, youth added that they had
never thought about the career that seriously and surprisingly they were happy
about the recommended career. This exciting four day long career counselling
workshop was conducted by our career counsellor expert Hari Krishna Dahal and
aspiring career counsellor Susma Lohala.
We helped seven youths, age group of 14 -18 years old to pick the best fitting education for a career by using a series of Basic Career Counseling Package. The package contained different services such as indecision scales, Career orientation, My Future Pro, Labor Market Workshop, and Psychometric Assessment. The youths were in their gap period as they had just completed their secondary education examination and are waiting for the result.
Indecision scale finds out youth’s first confusion level regarding career and education. We use this questionnaire frequently in the workshop before and after we conduct the workshops and assessment to analyze whether our services became useful to eliminate their confusion regarding their career or not. After finding out their career confusion by filling a list of seventeen multiple questions, a career counsellor provides career orientation to point out if the gap exists to confuse regarding career and education.
Similarly, they did different career activities in ‘My Future Pro’ session to find out their interest, values, abilities, weakness, and strength. This workshop is designed to make an individual career plan. After knowing ‘who am I’ clearly from ‘My Future Pro’, Labor Market Workshop was conducted to help them to know the number of careers in detail available in the local market where they can find their inclination towards. This was followed by Psychometric Assessment to help them to find out the individual personality profile and jobs according to personal interest.
After all the sessions, youths were able to find out their best suitable career options. In the reflection and feedback session, they also shared how the series of holistic career counselling process changed their perception to think about their career. Moreover, youth added that they had never thought about the career that seriously and surprisingly they were happy about the recommended career. This exciting four day long career counselling workshop was conducted by our career counsellor expert Hari Krishna Dahal and aspiring career counsellor Susma Lohala.
Career orientation is the workshop to
provide necessary information about the labour market for youths to prepare
them to select the right education and career path on right time. Such a
workshop is very essential for all youth to reach a particular destination they
are made for. It is especially urgent for Secondary Education Examination (SEE)
appeared students as this group the most vulnerable age group, the turning
point of student’s life and the phase where people usually make a mistake
regarding career choices in Nepal. This is the age where most of them have a
less clue or not at all about what to do next. While most of us make the
decision of joining any random courses based on our SEE grades with the
stereotypical mindset we have.
April to June is the gap months for
SEE appeared students. And if you are one of them, how do you spend time? What
is your planning for the rest of the remaining time before you have regular
classes? You probably will be: Waiting
for the results? Doing a Bridge Course? Learning a new language? Or Just being
a couch potato? Well, if you give a thought about yourself, this seems to be
the perfect time for you to make a career plan, to find out about yourselves,
to know better about yourselves, discover your interests, know about your
values and most importantly find a suitable educational track for the career that
fits you right based on your interest and other factors. It is the best time to
identify your potential and groom it.
Sometimes, most of us get lost in the
process of career selection. In this regard, career orientation can be of great
help. Career orientation is not only useful for those who have no clue about
what and where to study but also for those who already know where to get into
as it tells you about the labor market of future. See the below pointers to
find out why career orientation is essential for SEE appeared youths.
1. To know the labor market information
According to CDN’s research, more than
50% of youths have limited information about the labor market. There are higher
chances to miss the career they are actually made for. It is really crucial to
know the ranges of available jobs in the market to pick the best fitting one.
That’s why in the career orientation session, career counsellors provide
information and tools to know about the labor market in detail.
2. To avoid misconception about career
Most of us choose a career based on
trend, family and friend’s choices. Not only that, but we also categorize the
job's level and then select the career accordingly. But the process of choosing
a career should not be associated with those issues. One should choose the
profession based on individual potential, interest, abilities and values.
3. To know why it is important to know
the potential career in detail
If you already know what you are going
to be, then, you should know further detail about the possible job, its unique
and challenging aspects. That helps you to answer the significant question of
whether you are ready to face it or not.
4. To find out the individual personality
YOU should know you first. You are the
one who knows yourself better than anyone else in the world. Sometimes, we just
ignore or fail to recognize what we are, what do we like and dislike. Knowing
yourself better is not only essential for your career but also crucial for your
daily life. One session of the career orientation can be an eye-opening for you
to know about the ways to figure that out.
5. To avoid the mistakes
In Nepal, most of the youths choose
the trendy education and career, based on their parent’s or friends’ choice
without considering individual interest, abilities and job demand in the
market. Career orientation helps you to be yourself and avoid the mistake which
might make you out of nowhere in the future.
6. To bridge the gap between education
and career
It is vital to know why you choose a
specific track of learning. For that, you should know the Nepali Education
System as it opens the ranges of options for you to be independent soon
7. To save time and money
If you are aware of your career
potential on time, definitely you can escape from the dark future and also save
money and time of your life. Some of the youth try out different subjects
without knowing their potential and thus tend to lose their interest in the
subject matter wasting a considerable amount of money as well as the precious
time of their life too.
Career orientation helps you to choose
the highest potential career according to your innate abilities, learning and
developing potential, values and interest. If you study the field of education
that you enjoy the most, meaning working for it is the universal way to be
successful in no time.
That’s why career orientation for SEE appeared youth
is most essential. You are in the runway of your life where career orientation
will help you to have a safe landing in a certain destination
Career orientation is the workshop to provide necessary information about the labour market for youths to prepare them to select the right education and career path on right time. Such a workshop is very essential for all youth to reach a particular destination they are made for. It is especially urgent for Secondary Education Examination (SEE) appeared students as this group the most vulnerable age group, the turning point of student’s life and the phase where people usually make a mistake regarding career choices in Nepal. This is the age where most of them have a less clue or not at all about what to do next. While most of us make the decision of joining any random courses based on our SEE grades with the stereotypical mindset we have.
April to June is the gap months for SEE appeared students. And if you are one of them, how do you spend time? What is your planning for the rest of the remaining time before you have regular classes? You probably will be: Waiting for the results? Doing a Bridge Course? Learning a new language? Or Just being a couch potato? Well, if you give a thought about yourself, this seems to be the perfect time for you to make a career plan, to find out about yourselves, to know better about yourselves, discover your interests, know about your values and most importantly find a suitable educational track for the career that fits you right based on your interest and other factors. It is the best time to identify your potential and groom it.
Sometimes, most of us get lost in the process of career selection. In this regard, career orientation can be of great help. Career orientation is not only useful for those who have no clue about what and where to study but also for those who already know where to get into as it tells you about the labor market of future. See the below pointers to find out why career orientation is essential for SEE appeared youths.
1. To know the labor market information
According to CDN’s research, more than 50% of youths have limited information about the labor market. There are higher chances to miss the career they are actually made for. It is really crucial to know the ranges of available jobs in the market to pick the best fitting one. That’s why in the career orientation session, career counsellors provide information and tools to know about the labor market in detail.
2. To avoid misconception about career selection
Most of us choose a career based on trend, family and friend’s choices. Not only that, but we also categorize the job’s level and then select the career accordingly. But the process of choosing a career should not be associated with those issues. One should choose the profession based on individual potential, interest, abilities and values.
3. To know why it is important to know the potential career in detail
If you already know what you are going to be, then, you should know further detail about the possible job, its unique and challenging aspects. That helps you to answer the significant question of whether you are ready to face it or not.
4. To find out the individual personality
YOU should know you first. You are the one who knows yourself better than anyone else in the world. Sometimes, we just ignore or fail to recognize what we are, what do we like and dislike. Knowing yourself better is not only essential for your career but also crucial for your daily life. One session of the career orientation can be an eye-opening for you to know about the ways to figure that out.
5. To avoid the mistakes
In Nepal, most of the youths choose the trendy education and career, based on their parent’s or friends’ choice without considering individual interest, abilities and job demand in the market. Career orientation helps you to be yourself and avoid the mistake which might make you out of nowhere in the future.
6. To bridge the gap between education and career
It is vital to know why you choose a specific track of learning. For that, you should know the Nepali Education System as it opens the ranges of options for you to be independent soon
7. To save time and money
If you are aware of your career potential on time, definitely you can escape from the dark future and also save money and time of your life. Some of the youth try out different subjects without knowing their potential and thus tend to lose their interest in the subject matter wasting a considerable amount of money as well as the precious time of their life too.
8. To have a successful career
Career orientation helps you to choose the highest potential career according to your innate abilities, learning and developing potential, values and interest. If you study the field of education that you enjoy the most, meaning working for it is the universal way to be successful in no time. That’s why career orientation for SEE appeared youth is most essential. You are in the runway of your life where career orientation will help you to have a safe landing in a certain destination.