Holistic Career Counseling for Youth Residing at HCC to Empower them to be Independent and Self Sustain

We conducted holistic career counseling, “Career Orientation”, “My Future Pro”, “Motivational Session”, “Psychometric Assessment” and “Individual Career Counseling” for 10 youths residing in Himalayan Children’s Charities (HCC) to help them to make right career decision on right time and become independent what they are inherently made for.

HCC is a compassionate, global community of professionals, philanthropists, and the students in their programs. They empower youth in Nepal who have lost homes and families but not the desire to become educated, self-sufficient and contributing members of their communities. They mentor orphaned and abandoned children in Nepal to achieve sustainable paths to success, creating the next generation of professionals, leaders, and change makers.

The beneficiaries youth of HCC were those who were just appeared SEE (Secondary Education Examination), waiting for result and wondering about what to study after SEE. After participating in 3 days holistic career counseling session youth are better able to choose their best fitting career according to their individual passion, values, abilities and competencies.

Why Do Youths Need the Psychometric Assessment?

“The Online Assessment I took from CDN considerably has helped me figure out what I really want out of my life. It has helped me to look into the possible career paths that will be supposedly compatible with my fancy and my essential nature. Not only this, the career counselling I took from CDN has helped me look into areas where I can excel and foster professionally. I am, now absolved of the confusions I beheaded before I took the Assessment. I wouldn’t have known myself better and figure out what kind of job best suits me. As far as the Assessment is concerned, I wouldn’t have believed anything more fervently than that. It was very authentic, and by the end, I was like “Awesome! This is the kind of job I always wanted to do.” Palishtha Ranjitkar, Khopo College, Bhaktapur

When I was at the secondary level, my teachers and relatives used to ask the significant question of entire life ‘what do you want to be in future’. I felt like that was the toughest question I have ever faced. Most of the answers from my friends and cousins were ‘I want to be a thulo manchhe’, meaning famous person. In my case, I didn’t know the definition of the Thulo Manchhe. However, I felt that was the best answer I can give at that moment. Most of the times, I got a pat on my shoulder that left be proud as it would be a heavy “Very good”. In some exceptional cases, I would be asked 2nd biggest question ‘what job you will do for a living “or similar question. My instant answer was “A Nurse”. As I used to visit hospitals with my mom in my childhood for a regular medical check-up, I would fantasize myself wearing the white apron, and the cap like the nurses did there.  I was impressed by the dresses they wore and the way they handled the patients. That was the nicest job I ever knew. I had no clue about how to become one and what works they did except wearing the clean and white beautiful dresses and in some cases Saree as well. I did not know if I would love the job’s responsibilities of a nurse. After SLC (SEE at present), I gave entrance for Staff Nurse in Government Hospital with full excitement after getting the information from my Chimeki dd (neighbour). Unfortunately, I did not get through the entrance examination. And that was the end.  I was devastated as I felt like there were no other options that I opt for. I felt like I didn’t have any direction to go forward on that day. However, I had to continue studying and following with the trend; I joined my +2 (high school) without picturing what would I become after studying this.  I was just focused on my studies without having any particular destination.

One day, I got sick and was hospitalized for a week. That moment became the game changer of my life. I realized that the job that impressed me during my childhood was not the one I would enjoy. My values, my interest, and abilities were different from that a successful nurse should have. That day I realized, if I were a Nurse, it would be so difficult to do my duty during the night shift.  It would be monotonous to follow the same routine every day.  I could not imagine successful and happy me if I were a Nurse. I silently thanked God for having not passed the entrance examination. 

Even more doubtful than ever, I questioned myself, “What job best fits me then?”. Instead of browsing regular social media that day, I googled how a person finds the best-fitted career. Upon research, I found the Psychometric Assessments. I looked if there are any such assessments designed for Nepal, and Bingo, Career Disha Nepal has it. Yes, youths, you can discover what is the best for you by knowing who you are, what your interests are, what career is best for you based on the personalities you have, what educational track or training you need to become that ideal yourself through this Psychometric Assessment Test that too with just Rs. 200. There are abundant opportunities in Nepal that need to be explored.

Psychometric Assessment is quite a new term in Nepal. However, in Europe and America, it is mandatory for the last many decades. Career Disha Nepal teams are working to help Nepali youth to find individual inbred potentials through online and offline Psychometric Assessment all over Nepal. I would say Psychometric Assessment is the blueprint of who you are, your personality, interest and how far you can go. Psychometric Assessment is the single psychological tool in Nepal that helps individual to reflect themselves precisely who they are.

We can use this Assessment in various settings, and youths use it to test their personalities, professional interests, and vocational interests through the Assessment. There are altogether four segments one has to give responses to according to their interest and how they react to a different situation(s). The system then analyses the filled information and shows the individuals’ personality profile and the matching jobs for the same. It gives out the individual profile along with the matching jobs and required educational information or training for each recommended professions.

Before you go for the board examination test, PLEASE take your life test and explore the best of you, the best options for you and hence the best educational track to reach there. In brief, Psychometric Assessment designed by CDN helps you to:

1.    Find out the individual personality

2.    Understand self-better

3.    Find out potential career paths

4.    Pick the right education and career

5.     Enhance the potential

6.    Find out the list of interest

7 Essential Elements to Format the CV for Fresher

Curriculum Vitae

Are you a fresher? Are you wondering how to make your CV? Congratulation! You have landed in the safe spot. Let’s get started!

Making the CV (Curriculum vitae) is the first step to enter into the job market, where you summarize only about you, your details, your academic information, professional experiences, hobbies, skills, personality and key achievements. In simple words, the CV is a written document that represents you. The purpose of the CV is to inform potential employers or reader that you are a suitable candidate for the respective position.

In this important document, there are some essential elements to be put in a beautiful format which should never be forgotten. Your CV must speak your voice in the same manner you speak/communicate in a typical day. There is much evidence where the CVs look fake and exaggerated. I am going to reveal a simple mantra to make your CV the best. It is ‘simple is the best’. It should be clearly written, simply understood by the other party and the reader should be hooked in and continue reading to the end. Research shows that the average time a recruiter spends to review a CV is 6 seconds. So, it is crucial to put the CV into the beautiful format which makes recruiters easily spot the skills and competencies they are looking for in your CV. It is always recommended to divide your whole CV into different sections and write down the key points that potential employers quickly scan.

Here are the seven most essential elements you have to include before formulating the CV. Let’s complete it step by step.

1.    Personal details

2.    Personal statement

3.    Experience

4.    Education and Certification

5.    Core Skills

6.    Key achievements

7.    References

Personal Details

In this section, write your full name and address, phone number, and your email address should be given. Note that email address must be professional; it is strictly prohibited to write email address like xuchiktmo@gmail.com. Please make sure you have created your email address using your full name, for example, to stay away from embarrassment. For, eg, kabitakhadka.np@gmail.com. If you do not have one, then you can create right away.

Personal statements

In this section you can write your personality, who you are, what type of person are you. You can also include your career goal, motivation and enthusiasm about work.  


If you have experience related to the job you are applying for (or even if it is not related), then write it down in this section in reverse chronological order (most recent experience should be written at first). It can be the job you did as a full-time employee, internships, volunteering work, group project work that might be relevant, research, survey or anything that you think is a highlight of your career. If you are working, you should include the current position and responsibilities in bullet points.

Education and Certification

It is a straightforward section where you should include your education qualification, completion year, name of the institute. If you are currently studying, then mentioned initiated year, of course, faculty and institute name. It is also recommended to put the list in the reverse chronological order.

Core skill

 You can write about your soft skills and hard skills in bullets points. That might be something you have learnt by taking a particular course or enhanced by exercising or practicing.

Key achievements

In this section, you can mention any awards you won, the extra-curricular activities, conferences, training or workshops you have attended.


This is the last section you are going to write in your CV. In this section you have to write the full name of the person you want to be referred by, the company he/she is involved in, the position of that person, email address and contact information. Remember that the references you write in your CV must know about you. The main intention of this section is validating your behavioral and professional aspects. The potential employers’ if needed can call him/her to know more about your work ethics and attitude. 

Now the essential elements to formulate the CV are ready; here you can find many formats that can make your CV more attractive. The CV is not a one-time thing; you must update it time and again with your accomplishments.  If you want professionals to make a CV for you, then we are here to help you. Drop us an email or reach out to us via Facebook messenger.

Why Do Youths Need the Psychometric Assessment?

“The Online Assessment I took from CDN considerably has helped me figure out what I really want out of my life. It has helped me to look into the possible career paths that will be supposedly compatible with my fancy and my essential nature. Not only this, the career counselling I took from CDN has helped me look into areas where I can excel and foster professionally. I am, now absolved of the confusions I beheaded before I took the Assessment. I wouldn’t have known myself better and figure out what kind of job best suits me. As far as the Assessment is concerned, I wouldn’t have believed anything more fervently than that. It was very authentic, and by the end, I was like “Awesome! This is the kind of job I always wanted to do.” Palishtha Ranjitkar, Khopo College, Bhaktapur

When I was at the secondary level, my teachers and relatives used to ask the significant question of entire life ‘what do you want to be in future’. I felt like that was the toughest question I have ever faced. Most of the answers from my friends and cousins were ‘I want to be a thulo manchhe’, meaning famous person. In my case, I didn’t know the definition of the Thulo Manchhe. However, I felt that was the best answer I can give at that moment. Most of the times, I got a pat on my shoulder that left be proud as it would be a heavy “Very good”. In some exceptional cases, I would be asked 2nd biggest question ‘what job you will do for a living “or similar question. My instant answer was “A Nurse”. As I used to visit hospitals with my mom in my childhood for a regular medical check-up, I would fantasize myself wearing the white apron, and the cap like the nurses did there.  I was impressed by the dresses they wore and the way they handled the patients. That was the nicest job I ever knew. I had no clue about how to become one and what works they did except wearing the clean and white beautiful dresses and in some cases Saree as well. I did not know if I would love the job’s responsibilities of a nurse. After SLC (SEE at present), I gave entrance for Staff Nurse in Government Hospital with full excitement after getting the information from my Chimeki dd (neighbour). Unfortunately, I did not get through the entrance examination. And that was the end.  I was devastated as I felt like there were no other options that I opt for. I felt like I didn’t have any direction to go forward on that day. However, I had to continue studying and following with the trend; I joined my +2 (high school) without picturing what would I become after studying this.  I was just focused on my studies without having any particular destination.

One day, I got sick and was hospitalized for a week. That moment became the game changer of my life. I realized that the job that impressed me during my childhood was not the one I would enjoy. My values, my interest, and abilities were different from that a successful nurse should have. That day I realized, if I were a Nurse, it would be so difficult to do my duty during the night shift.  It would be monotonous to follow the same routine every day.  I could not imagine successful and happy me if I were a Nurse. I silently thanked God for having not passed the entrance examination. 

Even more doubtful than ever, I questioned myself, “What job best fits me then?”. Instead of browsing regular social media that day, I googled how a person finds the best-fitted career. Upon research, I found the Psychometric Assessments. I looked if there are any such assessments designed for Nepal, and Bingo, Career Disha Nepal has it. Yes, youths, you can discover what is the best for you by knowing who you are, what your interests are, what career is best for you based on the personalities you have, what educational track or training you need to become that ideal yourself through this Psychometric Assessment Test that too with just Rs. 200. There are abundant opportunities in Nepal that need to be explored.

Psychometric Assessment is quite a new term in Nepal. However, in Europe and America, it is mandatory for the last many decades. Career Disha Nepal teams are working to help Nepali youth to find individual inbred potentials through online and offline Psychometric Assessment all over Nepal. I would say Psychometric Assessment is the blueprint of who you are, your personality, interest and how far you can go. Psychometric Assessment is the single psychological tool in Nepal that helps individual to reflect themselves precisely who they are.

We can use this Assessment in various settings, and youths use it to test their personalities, professional interests, and vocational interests through the Assessment. There are altogether four segments one has to give responses to according to their interest and how they react to a different situation(s). The system then analyses the filled information and shows the individuals’ personality profile and the matching jobs for the same. It gives out the individual profile along with the matching jobs and required educational information or training for each recommended professions.

Before you go for the board examination test, PLEASE take your life test and explore the best of you, the best options for you and hence the best educational track to reach there. In brief, Psychometric Assessment designed by CDN helps you to:

1.    Find out the individual personality

2.    Understand self-better

3.    Find out potential career paths

4.    Pick the right education and career

5.     Enhance the potential

6.    Find out the list of interest