[:en]“3 Steps to Write an Effective and Professional Cover Letter”[:]


Are you really struggling with how to start and what to write in the cover letter and maybe don’t know why should you write one. This article will help you to write a concise and clear cover letter to boost your chances to be selected in job application which would give you chance to get to an interview!

A cover letter is a single-page document you send with your CV (Curriculum Vitae). However, Cover letter is different from a CV. In a CV you have to include the overview of your academic qualification, skills and experiences you have gained till now. But in the Cover letter, you have to write specific and relevant skills and experience to relative to the given position.

In the cover letter, you must state clearly the position you are applying for and explain why your profile matches the position. To put it simply, it must answer the question ‘’Why you?’’. Sometimes, we cannot express ourselves through a CV. That’s why the cover letter is a great chance to express yourselves to illustrate your matching for the given position. Always keep in mind that a great cover letter is like a secret weapon for catching employer’s attention.

[fruitful_tabs type="accordion" width="100%" fit="false"] [fruitful_tab title=" 1. Research First "] Before you start writing the cover letter research thoroughly about the respective company and respective vacant position.

Take some time to look into the role you are applying for and the company – and use this information to tailor your cover letter accordingly.

Here are a few key things you should find out before you start writing:

  • What does the company do?
  • Who are their competitors?
  • Who are their target audience?
  • What does the role involve?
  • What are the essential skills?

Once you’ve found answers to these questions, you’ll be able to make it clear in your cover letter how your skills and abilities match up with what the employer is looking for. [/fruitful_tab] [fruitful_tab title="2. What should a cover letter include?"] Always keep in mind that, cover letter should be only one page long and well formatted. As your CV is supposed to be short and sweet, your cover letter is the perfect way to elaborate on your achievements in the respective job. Here are some essential things to include making great cover letter.

  • Your personal details (e.g. name, address, phone number)
  • The employer’s/ hiring person name (if you have it)
  • Where you found the vacancy (through newspaper/online/somebody recommends )
  • Why you’re suitable for the job (the reason why you are dying to work there)
  • What you can do for the organization (what could be your contribution to uplift the organization)
  • Closing statements (including thanking the recruiter for their time) [/fruitful_tab][fruitful_tab title="3. Writing the actual cover letter"] We already know the most essential things to write an incredible cover letter through the research. We have also pointed out what to include in the cover letter. Now you are already in the shape to write the incredible cover letter. Let’s start now to make one.
  • Recommendation

In the first paragraph, state the job by authoritative where you found the information. Mention how you heard about the job – friend, employee, newsletter, advertisement, etc. If you are responding to an advertisement, you can mention it here.

  • Find out the real reason, why you are the great fit for the role

Explain your qualifications for the job, your skills, talents, accomplishments and personality traits and show how the company will benefit from them. Consider using bullets to make these stands out. Indicate any related experience, educational background, or specialized training that might increase your employability.

  • Show them your passion

Tell them why the organization, location, or the type of work appeals to you. Use strong words, for example love rather than like to show your passion how much you really want to work there. Show them how much you enjoy doing such things.

  • End with request

The goal of a cover letter is to convince the person reading it to make the next move in the hiring process – with a phone call, interview. Request for an interview and provide your phone number and email address, or indicate when you will follow up. Mention the enclosed CV; give them a reason to read it in-depth. Request a time and a way for you to follow up. And, close the document by greets them. [/fruitful_tab] [/fruitful_tabs]

Finally your cover letter is ready.


Note to remember: do not send the email to employers by writing please find the attached CV and motivational letter for the vacant position without writing other text. If you do, your probability of getting the response from the employers would be decreased. Instead of doing this copy and paste your cover letter and enclose your attached CV and cover letter as well. 

Here are some websites which will help you to create your cover letter.




