[:en]After the implementation of the grading system, there were a lot of conversations that sided with either of the two systems i.e. those who opposed and those who didn’t. While the expert on the field side with the change. According to the related implementation organization, this change will ensure more educational participation.
In the year 2073, from 5.88 lakhs students, 1.85 lakhs students received in two subjects grade D and E. 80% of those were able to continue their academics in grade 11, and the rest got the chance to better their grade(which was not a possibility in earlier years). Last year, around 3.69 lakhs got admitted in grade 11 whereas this year the number increased to 5.5 lakhs. While at the same time, in the technical area, over 50,000 students got admission.
It was brought to notice that the increasing number of student enrollment has not caused any issue in the process. This grading system also saw the rise in the number of Sanskrit students receiving enrollment in grade 11 which was depleting in the older system. (Source: अक्षराङ्कन पद्दतिको कार्यान्वयन समितिको सुझाव प्रतिवेदन, २०७३)[:ne]
२०७२ सालको एसएलसी परीक्षाको ग्रेड प्रणालीको बारेमा धेरैले सकारात्मक र नकारात्मक टिका टिप्पणी गरेका थिए | अक्षराङ्कन पद्दतिको कार्यान्वयन समितिको सुझाव प्रतिवेदनको अवस्था अध्ययन अनुसार एसएलसी अक्षराङ्कन पद्दति लागु भएपछि अघिल्लो वर्षहरुको तुलनामा धेरै विद्यार्थीहरुले अध्ययनको अवसर प्राप्त गरेका उल्लेख गरेको छ |
एसएलसी परीक्षा २०७२ मा ५ लाख ८८ हजार १ सय ५२ परीक्षार्थी सामेल भएका मध्ये २ विषयमा डी र ई ग्रेड प्राप्त गरेका १ लाख ८५ हजार ५ सय ६४ जनाले ग्रेड वृद्धिको अवसर प्राप्त गरे भने यी मध्ये करिव ८० प्रतिशतले कक्षा ११ मा विभिन्न विषय समुहमा भर्ना भै अध्ययन गर्ने अवसर प्राप्त गरेका छन | गत वर्ष ३ लाख ६९ हजार ४ सय २६ जना विद्यार्थीहरु कक्षा ११ मा भर्ना भएका थिए भने यस वर्ष ५ लाख ५० हजार कक्षामा भर्ना हुन योग्य रहेको देखियो | यसरी गत वर्षको तुलनामा यो संख्या करिव ३३ प्रतिशतले बढी देखिन्छ | प्राविधिक तथा व्यावसायिक तालिम परिषद अन्तर्गत करिव ५० हजारले अध्ययनको अवसर प्राप्त गरेको पाईयो |
त्यस्तै गरी +२ ग्रेडीङका सम्बन्धमा राष्ट्रिय परीक्षा बोर्डका पदाधिकारी र विभिन्न क्याम्पस प्रशासन, प्रधानाध्यापक र शिक्षकहरु संगको अन्तरक्रियामा खासै कुनैपनि किसिमको समस्या र दुविधा नभएको कुरा अवगत गराउनु भयो | श्री संस्कृत माध्यमिक विद्यालय, मत्छारी रौतहटका प्रधानाध्यापक श्री प्रवाशकुमार ठाकुरले संस्कृत विषय लिई एसएलसी पुरा गरेका विद्यार्थीहरुको भर्ना अवसर अरु विषयको तुलनामा कम रहेकाले आगामी दिनमा फराकिलो बनाउन सके उचित हुने कुरा व्यक्त गर्नु भयो भने कतिपय विद्यालयहरुले भर्नाको आधार बारे समयमै सूसुचित हुन नसकेकाले आगामी दिनमा समयमै अभिमुखिकरणको आवश्यकता औल्याए |
(स्रोत: अक्षराङ्कन पद्दतिको कार्यान्वयन समितिको सुझाव प्रतिवेदन, २०७३)
The Secondary Education Exam (SEE) has commenced for the first time in Nepal. Unlike in the past, as the final examination of Class 10, the Secondary Leaving Certificate Examination (SLC) has been replaced as Secondary Education Exam (SEE) and the well-known +2 is now renamed School Leaving Certificate (SLC).
As per the Revised Education Policy, Secondary Level is regarded up to class 12 and Class 10 examination is named as Secondary Education Exam (SEE). SEE has started applying the similar SLC forms and formats from today.
This year, there is the total of 5 Lakhs 38 thousand SEE examinees including the regular, partial and exempted students. Likewise, 3 thousand 7 hundred and 3 were technical candidates.
The board has notified that the system has adequate numbers of personnel to effectively conduct the SEE examination. “There are 18 supervision teams under the leadership of Assistant Secretary of Education Ministry for the supervision of the examination”: Examination Controller Ambika Prasad Regmi.
(Source: Agency)
नेपालमा पहिलो पटक माध्यमिक शिक्षा परीक्षा (एसईई) आजबाट शुरु भएको छ | विगत वर्षहरुमा कक्षा १० को अन्तिम परीक्षाको रुपमा सञ्चालन हुने प्रवेशिक परीक्षा (एसएलसी) हटाएर पहिलो पटक माध्यमिक शिक्षा परीक्षा (एसईई) सञ्चालन भएको छ |
संशोधित शिक्षा ऐनअनुसार कक्षा १२ सम्म माध्यमिक तहकायम भएपछि कक्षा १० को परीक्षालाई माध्यमिक शिक्षा परीक्षा (सेकेण्डरी एजुकेसन एक्जाम) (एसईई) नामकरण गरिएको छ | तर पुरानै एसएलसीको शैली, नियमावली, निर्देशिकाको आधारमा परीक्षा शुरु भएको हो | शिक्षा ऐनमा राष्ट्रिय परीक्षा बोर्डले क्षेत्रीयस्तरमा परीक्षा गर्ने उल्लेख भए पनि बोर्डका क्षेत्रीयस्तरका स्थायी संरचना नबनेका कारण केन्द्रीयस्तरमै परीक्षा सञ्चालन हुन लागेको हो । पहिलेको उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद्का जिल्लास्थित कार्यालयलाई परीक्षा बोर्डका रूपमा स्थापित गरे पनि पूरै संरचना भने तयार नभएको अवस्थामा एसएलसीका नामबाट सञ्चालन हुने कक्षा १० को अन्तिम परीक्षा राष्ट्रिय परीक्षा बोर्डले दिएको अधिकार प्रयोग गरी साबिकको परीक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यालयले गर्न लागेको हो ।
एईई परीक्षा मर्यादिद, भयरहित, शान्तिपूर्ण रुपमा सम्पन्नको निम्ति देशभरि १ हजार ९ सय २३ परीक्षा केन्द्र त्यति नै संख्यामा केन्द्राध्यक्ष, २ हजार ६ सय ४६ सहायक केन्द्राध्यक्ष, २२ हजार ४ सय ६१ निरीक्षक, सहयोगी र सुरक्षाकर्मीसहित ६७ हजार ५ सय ९१ जनशक्ति परीक्षामा खटाइएको साथसाथै परीक्षा अनुगमनका निम्ति शिक्षा मन्त्रालयले सहसचिवको नेतृत्वमा १८ वटा अनुगमन टोली जसमा क्षेत्रीय शिक्षा निर्देशनालय र जिल्लामा माध्यमिक शिक्षा परीक्षा समन्वय समितिको अनुगमन टोली रहने परीक्षा नियन्त्रक अम्बिकाप्रसाद रेग्मीले जानकारी दिए । (स्रोत: एजेन्सी)
Career Disha Nepal successfully conducted an extensive workshop, My Future Pro and interest based psychometric assessment to 55 earthquake victim young students at Phatakshila Higher Secondary School, Sindhupalchowk. The career counseling aimed at introducing various job sectors available locally, markets apprise and occupations to increase students’ confidence to choose career choices depending on their interests.
To know detail information of students’ desire about the future profession, led by CDN expert psychologist Mr. Hari Krishna Dahal and Mrs. Joyti Nepal, an interest based questionnaire was filled. Through the future pro, students got detailed information about themselves as well as their friends. They recognized their own interests, their stronger side, suitable job sectors and leisure activities. The two psychologists thoroughly answered each question raised by the students who were both enthusiastic and curious. The students expressed their gratitude to Career Disha Nepal as they had never engaged in this kind of interactive, reflective and information filled workshop their school life. Teachers and students both told the team that workshops like this one will help recognize future professionals and foster students’ interests.
One of the buildings that were devastated by an earthquake on April 25, 2015 was still being used. We thanked the responsible teachers who were teaching despite the risk of earthquake and also cooperating with us in accomplishing the workshop, psychometric assessment and The Future Pro. Similarly, our warm regards go to the local social worker Mr. Gokul Dotel and VHS Bhaktapur members Nabina Phaiju and Muna Sakh.
२०७३ जेष्ठ १३ र १४ (सिन्धुपाल्चोक)
करियर दिशा नेपालले देशभरिका विद्यार्थीहरुमा करियर(वृति) विकास र रोजगार बजारको बारेमा अवगत गराउने उदेश्य अनुरुप भूकम्प पिडित विद्यार्थीहरुमा मनोवैज्ञानिक परामर्श र आत्मविश्वास अभिवृतिको निम्ति करियर(वृति) कार्यशाला गोष्ठी, फ्युचर प्रो, र मनोवैज्ञानिक परिक्षण फटकशिला उच्च माध्यामिक विद्यालय सिन्धुपाल्चोकमा ५५ जना विद्यार्थीहरु माझ सफलतापुर्वक सम्पन गरियो |
विद्यार्थीहरुलाई भविष्यको पेशाको बारेमा र उनीहरुको इच्छाको बारेमा विस्तृत जानकारी मनो-सामाजिकपरमर्शकर्ता हरि कृष्ण दाहाल र ज्योति नेपालद्धारा गराइयो | फ्युचर प्रोको माध्यमद्धारा विद्यार्थीहरु आफै ले आफ्नो इच्छा, आफ्नो सवल पक्ष, भविष्यको
सुहाउदो पेशा, साथीहरुको इच्छाको बारेमा र फुर्सदको समयको बारेमा विस्तृत जानकारी हासिल गरियो |विद्यार्थीहरुको मनमा उठेको जिज्ञासा र कौतुहलता सामाजिक परमर्शकर्ताहरुले मेटाउने कोशिश गर्नुभयो | विगतका दिनमा यस प्रकारकोकार्यशाला गोष्ठी र मनोबैज्ञानिक परामर्शमा भाग नलिएको र अहिले भाग लिन पाउदा विद्यार्थीहरुले धेरै खुशी व्यक्त गरेका थिए | यस्तो खालको कार्यशाला र परिक्षणले विद्यार्थीहरुको भविष्यको पेशा र विद्यार्थीहरुको इच्छाको बारेको प्रस्फुटन गर्न मदत गर्ने कुरा विद्यार्थी र शिक्षकले व्यक्त गर्नुभयो |
महाभूकम्पको चपेटा खेपेर पनि असुरक्षित भौतिक संरचनाको विचमा रहेर पनि कर्तव्यउन्मुख भएर विद्यार्थीहरुमा शिक्षा प्रदान गरिरहनु भएको र यो कार्यशाला र मनोबैज्ञानिक परिक्षणमा सहयोग गरिदिनु हुने सम्पूर्ण शिक्षकहरु, स्थानीय समाज सेवी गोकुल डोटेल र भि.एच.एस.भक्तपुर परिवारको तर्फबाट नविना फैजु र मुना शाखलाई हार्दिक धन्यवाद टक्र्याउन चाहन्छु |
[:en]On the 20th of February 2016, Career Disha Nepal held an extensive workshop targeting the young 15 to 17-year-olds in SOS Children’s Village, Bhaktapur. The introduction workshop aimed at creating a mindset for that certain group about the vastness of the job sectors available locally. It was also focused on the tasks, activities as well as the employers involved in various sectors.
The session started at 11:00 am local time sharp after an hour of preparing flexes, charts and other arrangements. The day was filled with experimental games, eye-opening questions as well as a few laughs of astonishment. The day commenced with group works as well as question sessions and ended with self -reflection from the youth.
“I had earlier expected the students to be shy and reserved. I was also expecting them to be clueless about careers and what they hold. But they participated well and now have a clearer and wider knowledge about the opportunities here in Nepal.” Suresh Kasula
“I found with certainty that the introduction of ‘discipline’ is curbing creativity and enthusiasm. It was also evident that if encouraged, students can definitely give something back. It could be said that it is better for teachers to ask ‘what you might prefer’ rather than ‘you should prefer this’, since this might clog their creativity.” Hari Krishna Dahal, Lead Career Coach
[:ne]२० फेब्रुअरी ,करियर दिशा नेपालले आफ्नो उद्देश्य अनुसार एस.ओ.एस भक्तपुरमा करियर परामर्श कार्यक्रम संचालन गर्यो | उक्त कार्यक्रममा १५-१७ वर्षका विद्यार्थीलाई नेपालमा रहेका विभिन्न पेशागत क्षेत्रहरुको बारेमा परामर्श प्रदान गरिएको थियो | विद्यार्थीहरुलाई नेपालमा रहेको विभिन्न पेशाको विविधता तथा तिनका अवसरहरु बारेमा अवगत गराउनु यसको मुख्य उद्देश्य रहेको थियो, साथै विभिन्न पेशाको लागि चाहिने सिप, क्रियाकलाप तथा रोजगारदाता,तथा संस्थाहरुको बारेमा पनि विस्तृत रुपमा चर्चा गरिएको थियो |
कार्यक्रम बिहान ११ बजे शुरु भई ४ घन्टा सम्म चलेको थियो | विद्यार्थी र शिक्षकहरुले विभिन्न पेशागत क्षेत्रहरुमा भएका उपलब्धिहरुको बारेमा जानकारी तथा विद्यार्थीहरु माझ रहेका विभिन्न किसिमका जिज्ञासाहरुको रचनात्मक तथा सिर्जनात्मक दंगले व्याख्या गरि समाधान गर्नु भयो |
“मलाई लागेको थियो कि विद्यार्थीहरु कार्यक्रममा त्यति इच्छुक भएर सामुहिक रुपमा संलग्न हुँदैनन् र लजाएर बस्छन | विद्यार्थीहरुमा आफ्नो इच्छा र शिक्षाको बारेमा धेरै अन्योलमा होला जस्तो लागेको थियो तर विद्यार्थीहरुले धेरै रमाइलोसंग सामुहिकरुपमा नेपालमा पाइने पेशाहरुको जानकारी हासिल गरे र तिनीहरुले नेपालमा रहेका करियरको बारेमा पनि प्रश्नहरु उठाए |” सुरेशकासुला
“ अनुशासनको कारणले कल्पना गर्न सक्ने र सोच्ने क्षमताहरु घट्दै गएको पाए | कार्यक्रममा यो पनि पुष्टि भयो कि, विद्यार्थीहरुलाई प्रोत्साहन दियो भने तिनीहरुले धेरै कुरा सिक्न सक्छ | विद्यार्थीहरुलाई ‘तिमीले यो काम गर्नुपर्छ’ भन्दा पनि ‘यो काम गरे कसो होला’ भन्ने सोच अंकुरण गर्नु पर्ने आवश्यक देखें |” हरिकृष्णदाहाल[:]
'The exploration of internal talent is the chief aim of education'.
Every individual is different from one to the next. The thought process, ability, personality are distinctive to every individual. Every person is somewhat born and brought up with some unique abilities. In place of giving priorities to the abilities that are innate in them, Nepali youth are almost forced to be ‘educated’ in a talent supressing environment. It is most unfortunate that students give way for their parents’, societies’ wants and needs while rejecting their own interests and passion. One of the reasons for this position is the limited financial support and increasing personal/family issues. Above that, majority of cases are those where the students are unaware of their abilities, inadequacies as well as their passion thus inevitably are left stranded.
We aim to provide a direction for all those youth who are uncertain about their inner passion, have limited knowledge about the educational fields as well as the career path they should choose so that it is advantageous for them in the near future. It is all possible with a research that has been computerized into an Online Test that helps the youth recognize his/her underlying capabilities. This Online Test analyses the simple yet sophisticated answers provided by the students to give various calculation that will finally display suitable career path for students and their vital educational requirements. This is possible as we have a data base of 350+ professions and more than 1000 educational institutes including various vocational institutes and numerous training centres. This technology was initially developed in various European nations run by their respective governing body. We have adapted that system from the scratch to suit our Nepali students, out-of-school and youth as a whole through the information provided by 3000+ experts across Nepal.
After the completion of this assessment, students will receive an extensive list of educational possibilities across Nepal for each of the compatible profession that was analysed. Furthermore, the student will also receive a wide range of specialized information regarding the difficulties, opportunities and perimeter of the career sector he/she is well-suited with. This computer based assessment creates an environment which we hope will be a guided-direction for their otherwise drifting career paths.
In the summer of 2015, 50 parents from around Bhaktapur were surveyed via a questionnaire that listed questions ranging from their education to the likelihood of them wanting their child to study in Nepal. By a vast majority, it was evident that parents regardless of where they lived (City or Village) or their level of education, that they were unaware of Career Coaching. However, it was overwhelming to see that over 84% of the parents were interested to have their children attend career counseling.
It does not take a lot for us to understand that most parents are worried about their children’s uncertain future. This was more popular amongst the parents whose highest education was Bachelors. At the same time it too was analyzed that parents with 2 or more children too were more “highly interested” than “interested”. Also, it was found that people preferred school as their number one most influencing source of information, be it about jobs or recommendation for educational institutes etc.
It was encouraging to see that all parents informed us that they provide freedom for their children and at the same time over 60% of the parents would regard the job recommended by the assessment earnestly.
Career Disha Nepal has just completed a market survey in Bhaktapur District on the opinions of Nepali parents on the career of their children and we are working on analyzing the results. We hope to have results by the middle of December 2015.
The happy message reached us yesterday. Career Disha Nepal got shortlisted for the support of the Employment Fund Nepal. The employment Fund Nepal, which is run by Helvetas and supported by the schweizer Eidgenossenschaft, UK Aid and the World Bank called in March for concept notes on innovative projects, which tackle the cross cutting issues of the TEVT (technical education and vocational training) here in Nepal.
Career Counseling is not only there for higher education but for all kind of professions and career paths including technical education. Career Disha Nepal can bring change in the TEVT sector of Nepal by promoting and educating about technical education and vocational training as a valuable alternative to higher education.
We hope to also reach the final round of this grant ...