[:en]Psychometric Assessment at SOS[:ne]एस. ओ एस मनोबैज्ञानिक मुल्यांकन[:]


Career Disha Nepal successfully completed the psychometric assessment for the 25 young SOS students. This psychometric assessment (Interest Based Assessment) was led by Career Disha Nepal IMG_20160305_110829psychologist, Mr. Hari Krishna Dahal and SOS Senior Counsellor, Mr. Bhashkar K.C. The Interest Based Assessment involved assessment of various sorts like professional orientation, personality traits and educational interest fields.

The two psychologists meticulously answered questions from students about their chosen careers as well as other related questions.IMG_20160305_112024

IMG_20160305_114140[:ne]२२-फागुन-२०७२,शनिवार करियर दिशा नेपालले एस.ओ.एस बालग्रामका २५ जना विद्यार्थीहरुको मनोवैज्ञानिक मुल्यांकन कार्यक्रम सफलतापुर्वक सम्पन्न गर्यो | यस करियर दिशा नेपालका करियर काउन्सलर हरि कृष्ण दाहाल तथा एस.ओ.एस बालग्रामका सिनियर काउन्सलर भाष्कर के.सी को समन्वयमा एस.ओ.एस. IMG_20160305_110829बालग्राममा पेशागत दक्षतामा आधारित मुल्यांकन परिक्षण कार्यक्रम गरियो र विद्यार्थीहरुको जिज्ञासा र प्रश्नहरुको सकारात्मक र रचनात्मक दंगले तिनीहरुको भविष्यको पेशाको बारेमा प्रकाश पार्नुभयो | IMG_20160305_112024IMG_20160305_114140[:]

[:en]Christmas Greetings and 2015 Review[:ne]Christmas Greetings and 2015 Review[:]

[:en][pdf-embedder url="http://www.careerdishanepal.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/2015_CDN_merry_christmas.pdf"][:]

Social Enterprise and Crowd Funding Workshops (Nov. 26, 2015)

Yesterday, two representatives from Career Disha Nepal (Hari Krishna Dahal and Suresh Kasula) and one representative from VHS Bhaktapur (Bijaya Gosain) attended two workshops on social enterprise and crowd funding organized by the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Development of King's College in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Crowd Funding Workshop by Stephanie Arrowsmith
Crowd Funding Workshop by Stephanie Arrowsmith
  The workshop was about fundraising for NGOs, INGOs, and Social Enterprises. We learned that crowd funding is not about collecting from the public, but it is about approaching your friends, peers, and collecting money from them. Through this workshop, Career Disha Nepal learned a bit more about the process of crowd funding and about the time limitations involved. It was a good workshop and we are more confident that this knowledge will help us with our future operations.