Career Counseling in School – Survey Report April 2018

Career counseling by Career Disha Nepal is offered by an expert career counselor to help youth to recognize their individual interests, values, and abilities by using different counseling tools and techniques. The different types of career counseling tools bring clarity to career-related goals, find the possible solution for education and career problems and point out the highest potential, and recommend suitable education and career to the youths accordingly.

Research shows that career counseling has led to individuals entering more suitable jobs, achieving greater job satisfaction and experiencing less job turnover than their counterparts who were not in the recipient of the career guidance.

In the modern era, the need for introducing career counseling to the students is very important to motivate the students toward the highest potential career choices. In Nepal, after SEE (School Education Examination) knowingly and unknowingly the chances of choosing the wrong career are greater than ever. Be it due to social pressure, misinformation or lack of reflection. Therefore, if students get a chance to have career counseling in the school level, they will have the choice to have an informed career…before it is too late.

We conducted the survey on 12 schools located at different places in Suryabinayak Municipality, Bhaktapur. The places include Ram Mandir, Aadarsh, and Kamal Binayak to know the perception and recognition of career counseling in school’s administration.

Recognition of the term and concept of career counseling in schools

Figure: 1 Study reveals that the term career counseling is completely new for more than 40 percent principals.

Career counseling is a new term in Nepal. Only a few top schools in Bhaktapur are using career counseling tools effectively.

How do the 58 percent of principal know the term career counseling?

Figure: 2. Most principals know Career Counseling through Social Media

Have the principals who know the term career counseling conducted some form of career counseling programs at their school?

No! The proper career counseling in school from career counseling expert is absent in all of the visited schools. Few of them informed us that they conduct some form of informative and advising counseling program at school. Such as motivation speech and student teacher career discussion program.

From 1-10, how do the principals rank the importance of career counseling in their schools?

 Figure:3. All the principals tend to believe that Career Counseling is utmost necessary

Career and educational choice of the students is important to the administration of the schools. 100% of the principals interviewed informed us that they know about their passed out students’ chosen career and education choice after SEE. According to them, the students most chosen career was management and science while only a few students choose the humanities and technical fields.

Figure 4According the survey, most of the principal, 92%, felt the need of the career counseling for students.


Why is career counseling necessary in secondary school level?

It does not mean that only the confused students need the career counseling. Today, varieties of available career and education options and opportunity, which might be influenced students to pick up wrong education for the career. An Indian study shows that 1 in 3 students are unhappy with the course they picked. That is nearly half a million dissatisfied college students! Such figures only point to one clear truth – the importance of career guidance in schools.

The age group (14-18 years old) require career counseling the most. After grade 10 they need to decide the education for their career. A number of students pick specific subjects simply because their friends are opting for them while some decide according to their parents’ wishes. Only a few select subjects are based on their interests. Even this is usually chosen without knowing if their preferred subjects would lead them to their desired careers or not.

Career counselors believe that secondary schools are the platforms where students explore, experiment and enhance their life skills. It is during adolescence that they learn to communicate and interact with diverse groups, acquire problem-solving skills, polish their critical thinking abilities and recognize the importance of teamwork. Therefore, counselors suggest that secondary school students should be provided with appropriate career guidance in school level so that they can make informed decisions about their higher and professional studies.

Here are the few reasons that career counseling is important for students: 

  • It helps the student understand their own strengths, interest, and values and lets them know what education and career they would be suited for.
  • It helps students understand the career options that they fit in, and plan how to pursue them. It helps the students to build self-confident on their education and career decision. Subsequently, doing well in their chosen education field.
  • It gives them a platform to voice their opinion about what they would like to pursue, as well as discuss the obstacles that they may be worried about. For example, with their parents.

Career counseling plays a vital role at crucial turning points in the lives of students. Students are seeking the good guidance and support in both their school and parents for their education and career. If the principal of the school understands the value of career counseling for students’ life and implements the necessary career counseling tools then the chances of the students reaching the career of their dream can be a possibility.

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