[:en]Career Orientation and Labour Market Workshop in Kingdom Star High School, Taukhel[:]


We conducted Career Orientation Program and Labour Market Workshop to 23 young students studying in Kingdom Star High School, Taukhel on 26th May 2018.

To explain the importance of having the specific target to the student our Career Counselor started the program by giving the example of pancha pandaba’s (five brothers) Arjuna of Mahabharata Kal (era) how he concentrated and focused in his target and hit the bull’s eyes. Similar manner, if the students know the specific career interest on time and study the respective educational courses then they will be reached the desired destination in the short period of time.

At the end of the interactive program, students learnt important of career counseling to have an informed career, important of working in the interested sector, expansive job sectors of Nepal, and their details. All day informative program runs by our Career counselor Hari Krishna Dahal with the help of Susma Lohola and Shrijana KC.
