On the December 17th, 2016, Career Disha Nepal conducted prototype workshop ‘Career Crash Course’ successfully at VHS Bhaktapur.
This newly developed CDN service (workshop) is mainly focused on recognized oneself, strength, values and interests as well as competency. The aim of this one day workshop ‘Career Crash Course’ was to test our new service, its functionality, reliability as well as to collect the feedback from participants to generate new ideas quickly for improvement in the proper way.
There were 12 people participating in the workshop including 3 supervisors. The Workshop was started through dividing groups, each group had three people. In the whole workshop, there were 4 sections that were Jobs and labor market sectors, Interest & value, Competence Assessments and Next Steps. The first part of the workshop analyzed the participants’ vastness towards labor market and minimum requirements for each job. In the second section, participants presented group poster presentation in one of the job sectors. In the presentation, each group presents different job sectors, positives and negatives side, possible employee, and its role in the development of the country. Similarly, in the Competence Assessments, there were 11 stations to analyze students’ competency. This section analyzes individuals’ methodological, technical, social and personal competence. In the last session, participants filled up their own values on the worksheet and interviewed another participant as well as recommended the jobs according to their competence assessments.
At the end of the workshop, participants filled up the feedback form as well as discussed in open feedback session. Participants expressed that through workshops they broadened their information about jobs available in Nepal, and were clear about their suitable profession according to own
competence skills and values. Similarly, for the further improvements participants suggested splitting into different parts and conducting them in different days with more supervisors would be more effective and convenient. Likewise, if there were some inspirational career related videos and story would be more enthralling, recommended by one of the participants. So, all your feedback and recommendation would be backing for CDN to develop this workshop more youth centered.
This program was hosted and directed by CDN technical director Inge Patsch and CDN Career Counselor Mr. Hari Krishna Dahal as well as CDN Chief Administrative Officer Suresh Kasula. The program started at 9.00am and ended at 6.00 pm. Overall workshop was filled with enthusiasm and participatory approach.