[:en]CDN in ESC and ESCs Application Launched Program[:]


CDN’s representative, COO, Hari Krishna Dahal participated in the Labour Market Information and employment Services (LIfE) Project’s Employment Service Center (ESC) Job Portal and Its Application launching program on August 24, 2018.

The Government of Nepal (GON) has taken important initiatives and established 14 Employment Service Centres (ESCs) under the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MoLESS) through the Department of Labour and Occupational Safety (DoLOS) in FY 2065/66 BS (2008/9 AD), as an effort to meet the pressing need of providing quality employment services and labour market information to job seekers, enterprises and concerned labour market actors. Now, MoLESS has taken new initiatives to expand ESCs to 753 local government structures.

The KOICA funded ILO's Labour Market Information and Employment Services(LIfE) Project supported to improve the quality of employment services through strengthened the client orientation and capacity building of employment services centers and their officials; improving the collection and dissemination of labour market information and skill indicators; and knowledge sharing under the ILO South-South cooperation Framework.

In this regard, LIfE project has been developed ESC job portal (www.jobkhoj.gov.np) and its applications (apps) for android and ios platform. In the job portal and apps, there are three modules: Job Seekers, Employers and ESC. The key function of ESC job portal and apps are:

  1. Job seekers can register to find jobs
  2. Employers can register and post vacancies to find relevant job seekers
  3. ESC can register both job seekers and employers and also facilitate to match the need of employers and job seekers

Special features of Job Portal and its Apps

  1. The job seekers can see available jobs based on category, type, salary range, skills required, education required and location
  2. The employers can see available job seekers based on category, gender, age group, skills, education and location
  3. The system itself inform jobseeker regarding relevant jobs available(based on skill, education) through auto-generated email
  4. The ESC job portal apps is easily available and accessible with wider coverage using mobile tools. It content is synchronized with the portal website and can be used with offline saving for selected modules to ESCs.

Special features for DoLOS and ESCs

  1. The super administrator of DoLOS and administrator ESCs can have information of total employers, job seekers, employment opportunities and ESCs can facilitate job matching, provide counseling to both jobseeker and employers using job portal data management system
  2. ESC can view the mapping of employers and search using filtering features
  3. ESC can view list of posted job using filtering feature
  4. ESC can generate reports using job category, posted date, fiscal year and others
  5. ESC can view job seekers status and use filtering features
  6. DoLOS and ESC can produce trend of employment opportunity and job seekers based on available job category, type, skills, qualification, district etc.

Job portal and its apps in Android and iOS can make changes within existing practices as well as shape of the future direction of matching jobseeker and employers' needs and expectations.
