Four days Basic Career Counseling Package for Youths Residing in Shangri-la Orphanage

We helped seven youths, age group of 14 -18 years old to pick the best fitting education for a career by using a series of Basic Career Counseling Package. The package contained different services such as indecision scales, Career orientation, My Future Pro, Labor Market Workshop, and Psychometric Assessment. The youths were in their gap period as they had just completed their secondary education examination and are waiting for the result.

Indecision scale finds out youth’s first confusion level regarding career and education. We use this questionnaire frequently in the workshop before and after we conduct the workshops and assessment to analyze whether our services became useful to eliminate their confusion regarding their career or not. After finding out their career confusion by filling a list of seventeen multiple questions, a career counsellor provides career orientation to point out if the gap exists to confuse regarding career and education.

Similarly, they did different career activities in ‘My Future Pro’ session to find out their interest, values, abilities, weakness, and strength. This workshop is designed to make an individual career plan. After knowing ‘who am I’ clearly from ‘My Future Pro’, Labor Market Workshop was conducted to help them to know the number of careers in detail available in the local market where they can find their inclination towards. This was followed by Psychometric Assessment to help them to find out the individual personality profile and jobs according to personal interest.

After all the sessions, youths were able to find out their best suitable career options. In the reflection and feedback session, they also shared how the series of holistic career counselling process changed their perception to think about their career. Moreover, youth added that they had never thought about the career that seriously and surprisingly they were happy about the recommended career. This exciting four day long career counselling workshop was conducted by our career counsellor expert Hari Krishna Dahal and aspiring career counsellor Susma Lohala.

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