If I obtain D or E in any subject in SEE examination am I able to get enrolled in Grade XI?

It has not been much longer than our Education system has shifted from the traditional Percentage based evaluation system to Grade/ GPA based evaluation system. The grading system has replaced the system of awarding marks in each subject that has been in practice for the last 80 years since the first SLC exams took place in 1934 A.D. which ensures that no student appearing in the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) exams will be provided with a 'Fail' certificate. This has created confusions among the parents and guardians, also many students aren’t clear about the GPA based evaluation system.

What is grading system?

The office of examinations of controllers (OCE) has been publishing SEE results through grade system since 2073 B.S. Usually, there would be an A-F grading. But, in Nepal, it works a bit different. There are 9 grades, which are A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D, E, and N with GPA ranging from 0 to 4. There is one more grade N which represents students who failed to attend the exams or those who were expelled from the educational institutions.

Detail of Grade Sheet

S.N. Interval in Percentage Grade Grade points Description
1 90 to 100 A+ 3.6-4.0 Outstanding
2 80 to 89 A 3.2-3.6 Excellent
3 70 to 79 B+ 2.8-3.2 Very Good
4 60 to 69 B 2.4-2.8 Good
5 50 to 59 C+ 2.0-2.4 Satisfactory
6 40 to 49 C 1.6-2.0 Acceptable
7 30 to 39 D+ 1.2-1.6 Partially Acceptable
8 20 to 29 D 0.8-1.2 Insufficient
9 1 to 19 E 1.0-0.8 Very Insufficient
10 0 N 0.0 Not Graded

If I obtain D or E in any subject in SEE examination am I able to get enrolled in 11?

As grading system does not says a student has passed or failed the examination there is a big doubt among students what is the crucial criteria to enroll in grade 11 after SEE we believe this article would help you out to figure out what would be your further steps on future education.

There is certain criteria in place for admission of students in different streams. The Higher Secondary Education Board has said students should get at least D+ in English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Nepali for admission in Grade XI.

Those wishing to study Science in Grade XI student should get at least a C+ in Science and Mathematics and C in English. The students should get this grade — 50-60 percent — in both Practical and Theoretical Papers. For example, students who have not secured a C+ or higher in Science and Mathematics, C in English, and D+ in Social and Nepali cannot study Science in Grade 11. The students are eligible for admission in other faculties even if they get a D+.

Students wishing to study Management in Grade XI should get a C in compulsorily Mathematics, whereas those wishing to study Tourism, Mass Communications and Hotel Management should get a C in compulsorily English.

In optional subjects, students should get at least a C. As per the Exam Controller’s Office at Sanothimi, only those students, who score more than a D+, will get admission at Plus-Two.

I got GPA 3.15.but D+ in mathematics. Can I study management without giving re-exam?

 In that condition YES.

For admission in technical courses, however, students should get at least a C+ in all subjects.

Centre for Technical Education and Vocational Training has decided to enroll even those students, who score a C. As per the CTEVT, students should get a C each in Compulsory English, Mathematics and Science to be eligible for admission in its programs.

Though no students are categorized as having failed the exams, those with lower grades feel the new system is unfair. Those with D and E grades have an option to sit for re-examination in up to two subjects to improve their grades, and if they scored those grades in more than two subjects they can retake all the exams the following year. But those with a D+ do not have the option to take the re-tests, which has left many students in a fix.