Individual Counselling in Career Disha Nepal
Individual career counselling is meant to reflect on the results from the personality assessment (Online and Offline) together with a trained counselor. Career counsellors give you career and education coaching from that you will get overall information about your personality profile, clear information about job sectors required qualification and job market.
The aim of this session is to make the young person understand which professions would be suitable for them based on their personality, what is realistic in terms of the labour market and draft a rough way towards the educational pathway which can lead to the desired dream job.
Counselling is normally done in sessions of 30-45 minutes. The amount of coaching needed depends on each person and their family background and suggested career options.
The individual counseling is done based on the psychometric assessment where on the basis of one’s personality, professional orientation and vocational task. Usually, the process of CDN individual counseling involves in five stages:
- Getting to know you: The first stage of career counseling is building rapport with the counselee by getting to know them as well as helping make them comfortable. It is very important stage which helps in the overall process of counseling. It is a two-way process where not only counselor get to know the counselee but the counselee also gets to know their counselor. The agenda of the session is discussed with the counselee as well as their expectations are attended.
- Gathering Information: The second stage involves gathering of data so that the counselor can build up a picture on what you are as a person and what are you really interested in. Questions such as the type of work you enjoy and the setting you love working in are implored. It is very important stage as it’s not only necessary for a counselor to know who you are but where you have come from and where can you reach from there.
- Self-Awareness: In this stage, the counselor helps counselee to explore more about themselves and reflect more on their interest, strength, abilities and values. This helps client to be aware about themselves and know themselves better.
- Exploration: In this process, the counselor guides counselee by helping them to explore the labour market by providing the information about the available jobs in Nepal as well as exploring more on their interested career. In this stage, the result of psychometric assessment is also discussed with the counselee.
- Decision Making: In this stage, through the self-awareness and exploration of labour market, counselee makes decision about their career. This process is not rigorous and may not be achieved within a single session.
After the counselee passes the decision-making stage, they prepare for this decision to be implemented into action. For the preparation process, the counselor provides different information such as courses and colleges accessible to them. The counselee either make this preparation and implement it on their own or counselor may help them in this process through follow up session.