Career Disha is back on track. Still engaged in Post-Disaster work, we are slowly getting back on track again, with our career counseling programs. We know more now about our target group: girls from the village areas visiting a governmental school with less educated parents seem to have more interest (and probably also more need) for career counseling. That would be the fast conclusion of a market survey conducted by our team and summarized by our intern Sabnam Shrestha in the last months.

Since, Nepal is a male dominated country, it is obvious that female are deprived from many opportunities. However, this has been changing rapidly in city areas. But there are still many places where female are not allowed to get out of their houses for other causes. This shows female population are in need of these tools more than male. And surprisingly, this has been true from our survey report as well. Female students are highly interested in our products than when compared to male students.
All three products namely, Career Workshop, Individual Counselling and Online Assessment are mostly preferred by government school students when compared with private schools. Also students who are less or not interested are relatively higher from private schools. This shows that students from private schools are more aware about their career and are focused to their goals. However, those from government schools are in need of these products and would consider it for their career enhancement.
Career workshop will be accepted by huge number of students if we consider both interested and high interested students. However, there is a slight increment in highly interested students for individual counselling.There are relatively more students who are interested for online assessment. Nevertheless, we should also consider students who are totally not interested with this product and comparatively they are higher than in other 2 products i.e. 11%

Hence, according to our findings, highly interested and interested students for career workshops, online assessment and individual counselling are 89%, 82% and 78% respectively. So, the finding shows
career workshop as the most preferred product among three. And the least preferred is individual assessment.
All three products namely, Career Workshop, Individual Counselling and Online Assessment are mostly preferred in village area than in city area with 98%, 90% and 86% respectively. Also students who are less or not interested are relatively higher in city area. This shows that students living in city area are more aware about their career and are focused to their goals. However, those from village area are in need of these products and would consider it for their career enhancement.
32% female student and 16% male student prefer school for career workshop. 13% female student and 14% male student prefer other place. Similarly, for online assessment 28% female student and 12% of male student prefer home. There is also high percentage of students preferring other places for online assessment i.e. 21% female student and 15% male student. In the similar manner, 23% female students prefer home for individual counselling whereas 14% male student prefer community.
Higher education is far lower than expected among both parents. Fathers are more educated compared to mothers. Illiteracy level of mothers is higher than compared to fathers. Maximum interested students belong to parents with education level up to SLC. The above chart shows us that students with illiterate mothers are more interested in these products than illiterate father i.e. 22%, 20% and 20% in career workshop, individual counselling and online assessment respectively. The finding shows that students with highly educated parents are not interested in career workshop. On contrary, students whose parents are highly educated or just have minimum education are more interested to use these products.
In the light of these conclusions, the need of career workshop at school and individual counselling at home seems higher for female population from village area especially from the government school students whose mothers are illiterate.