Trending vocational educations
Over the course of the last 4 years we have collected a considerable amount of data in our so called Educational Database. Our team and countless volunteers have been sitting and entering numerous boring sets of data so that we can provide you with more and more information. In November we sat down and we were asked the question: Outside the academic streams: which educations do offer most seats in Nepal. Here is what we have found for you.
The training which has by far most seats is the Diploma in Nursing. Almost 140 Institutes all over Nepal are offering a total of more than 4000 seats. Prices for the Diploma range from Rs. 38 000 at the divine institute of health training & research Center in Nepalgunj to 9.5 Lakh at the Bheri Nursing College. The majority of the colleges is charging between 4 and 5 Lakh for the training though.
The next trending course is CMA which is a short for for certified management accountant and is a certification for accounting professionals who have demonstrated ability in strategic management and financial accounting. This course lasts 2 years and 5 month and is offered in over 75 institutions all over the country. Fees do range from Rs. 9825 (at Rapti Technical School) to 1 Lakh. CMAs can continue an career as book keeper.
The third ranked education according to the total amounts of seats is a Diploma in Civil Engineering which if offered by 47 colleges starting from Rs. 50000 in Seti Technical School. This Diploma course enables students to work as civil engineer or overseer.
Further non-academic educations with a high number of seats are the post-TSCL cours of Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery (ANM), Diploma in Health Assistant, the TSLC in Medical Laboratory Technology, JTA Plant - a basic training in agriculture and small entrepreneurship, TSLC in civil engineering, a Diploma in Pharmacy, Diploma in Medical Lab Technology and the Junior Technician Course in Agriculture, Veterinary & Lifestock.
So all in all, there are many seats for educations in the sector of health, agriculture and civil engineering. All those seats are spread over 68 districts in Nepal. Check out the links above, which lead to further information on each education or contact us in case you have any futher question.
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