What is meant by quality education?

Educating children is an investment in their futures, and in peaceful and prosperous societies. Every child has the fundamental right to quality education – one that helps them acquire basic literacy and numeracy, enjoy learning without fear, and feel valued and included, irrespective of where they come from.
 According to UNESCO, 2004 “Understanding what quality means varies between countries. Different education actors and organizations also have their own definitions. However, most tend to agree on three broad principles: the need for relevance, for equity of access and outcome, and for proper observance of individual rights.”It is believed that good education is the one, which makes person better. Quality education is the most important issue of today’s world. The more educated you are the better life you live and in today’s world, good and quality education means higher earnings, good health, and positive wellbeing.
Quality education is also one of the main agendas of any nation for Sustainable Development. There is a lot of difference between education and quality education. Quality Education is not one that is measured purely by a test score or by how many words per minute a 5-year-old can read. Going back to these simplified measurements is to do a disfavor to both the student and the phrase Quality Education itself.

What determines the quality of an education?

The whole ranking system cannot determine the quality of education. There are many programs, which are invested in teaching while others are torn between teaching and research. All of the factors in the quality of an education are important like curriculum, teachers etc. However, it is not that one curriculum is better than another, simply different. The idea is to find the right program for you. A motivated student is important and the best feeling is to see smiling young faces to learn. Quality of education is determined by the teachers’ willingness to engage and interact with his or her students, to capture their attention and to refocus on their interest, not only learning new knowledge, but on accepting new knowledge.